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Engineering 2D Material Exciton Line Shape with Graphene/<i>h</i>-BN Encapsulation


Author(s): Woo, SY (Woo, Steffi Y.); Shao, FH (Shao, Fuhui); Arora, A (Arora, Ashish); Schneider, R (Schneider, Robert); Wu, NJ (Wu, Nianjheng); Mayne, AJ (Mayne, Andrew J.); Ho, CH (Ho, Ching-Hwa); Och, M (Och, Mauro); Mattevi, C (Mattevi, Cecilia); Reserbat-Plantey, A (Reserbat-Plantey, Antoine); Moreno, A (Moreno, Alvaro); Sheinfux, HH (Sheinfux, Hanan Herzig); Watanabe, K (Watanabe, Kenji); Taniguchi, T (Taniguchi, Takashi); de Vasconcellos, SM (de Vasconcellos, Steffen Michaelis); Koppens, FHL (Koppens, Frank H. L.); Niu, ZC (Niu, Zhichuan); Stéphan, O (Stephan, Odile); Kociak, M (Kociak, Mathieu); de Abajo, FJG (de Abajo, F. Javier Garcia); Bratschitsch, R (Bratschitsch, Rudolf); Konecná, A (Konecna, Andrea); Tizei, LHG (Tizei, Luiz H. G.)

Source: NANO LETTERSDOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c05063  Early Access Date: MAR 2024  Published Date: 2024 MAR 12

Abstract: Control over the optical properties of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) layers, including those of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), is needed for future optoelectronic applications. Here, the near-field coupling between TMDs and graphene/graphite is used to engineer the exciton line shape and charge state. Fano-like asymmetric spectral features are produced in WS2, MoSe2, and WSe2 van der Waals heterostructures combined with graphene, graphite, or jointly with hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as supporting or encapsulating layers. Furthermore, trion emission is suppressed in h-BN encapsulated WSe2/graphene with a neutral exciton red shift (44 meV) and binding energy reduction (30 meV). The response of these systems to electron beam and light probes is well-described in terms of 2D optical conductivities of the involved materials. Beyond fundamental insights into the interaction of TMD excitons with structured environments, this study opens an unexplored avenue toward shaping the spectral profile of narrow optical modes for application in nanophotonic devices.

Accession Number: WOS:001183911200001

PubMed ID: 38471109

Author Identifiers:

AuthorWeb of Science ResearcherID     ORCID Number

Ho, Ching-Hwa D-1776-2012       0000-0002-7195-208X

Woo, Steffi      0000-0002-2342-9083

Mattevi, Cecilia      0000-0003-0005-0633

ISSN: 1530-6984

eISSN: 1530-6992


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