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Pixel-integrated Mie metasurface long-wave multispectral type II superlattice detector


Xiao, Lei; Fu, Jintao; Zhu, Peng; Li, Nong; Jiang, Yongyi; Shi, Haofei; Wei, Xingzhan; Xiong, Wen; Wang, Guowei; Sun, Tai Source: Applied Physics Letters, v 124, n 9, February 26, 2024;


Dynamic multispectral imaging finds extensive applications in acquiring multidimensional information. The integration of high-performance, dynamic, and long-wavelength multispectral detectors at the pixel level is highly desirable across various applications. However, the development of such detector faces enormous challenges due to the fundamental material and optical system limitations. In this work, we present a pixel-integrated long-wavelength multispectral type II superlattice detector based Mie dielectric metasurface (Mie-multispectral detector) realized by integrating a graphene-assisted depletion Mie metasurface structure (GAMS). The GAMS is featured with a single-layer graphene and electrically gated tuned Mie dielectric grating. This pixel-integrated multispectral detector allows for 340 nm electrical dynamic tuning and D value of 5 × 10 Jones. The Mie-multispectral detector offers potential solutions in space exploration, pollutant retrieval, and other relevant fields.

© 2024 Author(s). (27 refs.)


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