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A Flexible Bimodal Self-Powered Optoelectronic Skin for Comprehensive Perception of Multiplexed Sensoring Signals


Wu, Weitong; Xiao, Yu; Li, Mengmeng; Wei, Zhongming; Long, Haoran; Shen, Guozhen Source: SSRN, February 22, 2024;


Multi-modal electronics skin that mimics collaborative operation of natural skin establishes a substantial foundation for next-generation smart healthcare, biomimetic science and related interdisciplinary fields. However, the power consumption of multi-channels and the decoupling complexity of fused-information that determine the effectiveness of the system still remain enormous challenge. Here, a bimodel self-powered optoelectronic fusion system with a vertical integration structure to achieve mechanical and illumination perception is reported, enabling simultaneous monitoring of human motion signal and environmental illumination. This device comprises a photo-conductive layer of MAPbI3@PVA and a teflon (PTFE) friction layer of TENG-based sensor, characterizing the mechanical and illuminance information in the form of pulse electrical signals and continuous resistance variation curves, respectively. This bimodel sensor exhibits the highest photoelectric responsivity of 64 mA/W and saturated output power of 156 μW/cm2 within the visible illumination range. Moreover, the environmental and mechanical stability of the device have been significantly improved, which is attributed to the inherent flexibility and hydrophilicity of PVA wrapped in perovskite grains. Finally, A 3×3 bimodel array is attached onto the volunteer's cervical vertebra for classifying motion posture and ambient illuminance by monitoring the surface tension distribution under different lighting conditions, validating the feasibility and promotion potential for application scenarios.

© 2024, The Authors. All rights reserved. (45 refs.)


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