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An ultra-wide-angle metasurface absorber operating in the ultraviolet to visible range


Li, Tong; Bao, Chengqing; Huang, Pan; He, Qian; Song, Guofeng Source: Optics Communications, v 569, October 15, 2024; ISSN: 00304018; DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2024.130811; Article number: 130811; Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Author affiliation:

School of Physics and Electronic Science, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha; 410114, China

Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100083, China

College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China

Laboratory of Photonic Integrated Circuits, Xiong’ an Institute of Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiong’ an New Area, Hebei, 071700, China


Here, we propose an ultra-wide-angle metasurface absorber. It consists of a one-dimensional titanium grating periodic array with dislocation distribution. The average absorptivity of the absorber exceeds 94% in the ultraviolet to visible light band (200–760 nm) under normal TM-polarized incident wave. This benefits from the coupling of propagating surface plasmon resonance, local surface plasmon resonance, and hybrid mode resonance. For normal TE-polarized incident wave, the absorber achieves perfect narrowband absorption (>99.22%) in the ultraviolet light region because of the excitation of cavity-mode resonance. The absorber exhibits broadband absorption with an average absorptivity exceeding 85% in the visible light band because of the excitation of slot mode. These excellent absorption properties are well retained at 70° oblique incidence. The structural symmetry of the absorber dramatically expands the flexibility of device applications. It can achieve great absorption performance in an ultra-wide-angle range of 280° along the incident light direction. In addition, the absorber is sensitive to the polarization angle and incident angle of ultraviolet light, which can be used for ultraviolet detection and sensing. The proposed ultra-wide-angle metasurface absorber has potential application in the field of optical communication, photoelectric detection, and solar energy harvesting.


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