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Multifunctional buried interface modification for efficient and stable SnO2-based perovskite solar cells


Author(s): Wu, R (Wu, Rui); Meng, JH (Meng, Junhua); Shi, YM (Shi, Yiming); Xia, ZC (Xia, Zhengchang); Yan, CX (Yan, Chunxia); Zhang, LS (Zhang, Lisheng); Liu, WK (Liu, Wenkang); Zhao, JL (Zhao, Jinliang); Deng, JX (Deng, Jinxiang); Zhang, XW (Zhang, Xingwang)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY ADOI: 10.1039/d4ta00108g  Early Access Date: APR 2024  Published Date: 2024 APR 19

Abstract: Multifunctional buried interface modification is key to boost the performance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Herein, a multifunctional passivator, N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ethylene diamine triacetic acid trisodium salt (HEDTA-3Na), is employed to modify an SnO2 electron transport layer (ETL) for fabricating efficient and stable PSCs. It is found that the addition of HEDTA-3Na not only reduces defect state density by passivating uncoordinated Sn4+ and Pb2+ defects in an ETL/perovskite interface, but also forms appropriate energy band alignment, facilitating electron extraction, and improves the quality of the perovskite film with enlarged grain sizes. In addition, the Na+ ions can diffuse into the perovskite layer to passivate iodine vacancy defects and inhibit ion migration. As a result, the PSC with HEDTA-3Na modification achieves a champion PCE of 23.11% with enhanced VOC and FF compared to the control device (20.82%). Moreover, the unencapsulated HEDTA-3Na-modified PSC retains 90% of its initial efficiency after 1600 hours at 25 degrees C and 20-25% relative humidity under ambient conditions. This work offers a simple and effective approach to synergistically improve the performance of PSCs with a single multifunctional molecule.

Accession Number: WOS:001210089900001

Author Identifiers:

AuthorWeb of Science ResearcherID     ORCID Number

Meng, Junhua      0000-0001-8952-3278

ISSN: 2050-7488

eISSN: 2050-7496


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