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Superconducting switching jump induced missing first Shapiro step in Al-InSb nanosheet Josephson junctions


Wu, Xingjun; Su, Haitian; Zeng, Chuanchang; Wang, Ji-Yin; Yan, Shili; Pan, Dong; Zhao, Jianhua; Zhang, Po; Xu, H.Q. Source: arXiv, March 12, 2024;


The absence of odd-order Shapiro steps is one of the predicted signatures for topological superconductors. Experimentally, the missing first-order Shapiro step has been reported in several superconducting systems presumably to be topologically non-trivial, as well as in the topologically trivial regime of superconductor-semiconductor Josephson junctions. In this work, we revisit the missing first Shapiro step signature in the topologically trivial regime of Al-InSb nanosheet Josephson junctions under microwave irradiation. The missing first Shapiro step is found to be accompanied by a sharp voltage jump during the superconducting switching and reappears when the jump is softened by increasing temperature or magnetic field. The missing first Shapiro step also reappears with an increased microwave frequency. The sharp switching jump, existing without microwave irradiation, deviates from the relation given by the standard resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model. Missing Shapiro step signatures are qualitatively captured by introducing the sharp voltage jump into the RSJ model. This work reveals a common, yet overlooked, phenomenon that leads to the missing first Shapiro step, providing a new perspective on fractional Josephson experiments.

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