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3D Strain Measurement of Heterostructures Using the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Moire Depth Sectioning Method

Title: 3D Strain Measurement of Heterostructures Using the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Moire Depth Sectioning Method

Author(s): Wen, HH (Wen, Huihui); Zhang, HY (Zhang, Hongye); Peng, RL (Peng, Runlai); Liu, C (Liu, Chao); Liu, SM (Liu, Shuman); Liu, FQ (Liu, Fengqi); Xie, HM (Xie, Huimin); Liu, ZW (Liu, Zhanwei)

Source: SMALL METHODS DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202300107  Early Access Date: JUN 2023  

Abstract: The mechanical properties of micro- and nanoscale materials directly determine the reliability of heterostructures, microstructures, and microdevices. Therefore, an accurate evaluation of the 3D strain field at the nanoscale is important. In this study, a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) moire depth sectioning method is proposed. By optimizing the scanning parameters of electron probes at different depths of the material, the sequence STEM moire fringes (STEM-MFs) with a large field of view, which can be hundreds of nanometers obtained. Then, the 3D STEM moire information constructed. To some extent, multi-scale 3D strain field measurements from nanometer to the submicrometer scale actualized. The 3D strain field near the heterostructure interface and single dislocation accurately measured by the developed method.

Accession Number: WOS:001003319600001

PubMed ID: 37300326

Author Identifiers:

Author Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID Number

Runlai, Peng          0000-0003-3057-4040

ISSN: 2366-9608


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