A wide-angle and TE/TM polarization-insensitive terahertz metamaterial near-perfect absorber based on a multi-layer plasmonic structure
Author(s): Sun, YB (Sun, Yuanbo); Shi, YP (Shi, Yanpeng); Liu, XY (Liu, Xiaoyu); Song, JM (Song, Jinmei); Li, MP (Li, Meiping); Wang, XD (Wang, Xiaodong); Yang, FH (Yang, Fuhua)
Source: NANOSCALE ADVANCES DOI: 10.1039/d1na00246e Early Access Date: JUN 2021
Abstract: A kind of near-perfect metamaterial absorber, made of only Au and Si, has been presented in the terahertz band with extremely high absorptance. A flexible design method is proposed, which could create absorbers with four independent functions as follows. First, selective perfect absorption is achieved at a single frequency, which means the absorptance is more than 99.9% at the required frequency and almost 0% at adjacent frequencies. Second, nearly 100% perfect absorption is realized at more frequencies, which can be changed by simply adjusting the geometric parameters. Third, broadband absorption with a controllable band is gained, and the average absorptance exceeds 99% from 1.2 to 2 THz. Finally, the combination of single-frequency absorption and broadband absorption is accomplished, which greatly expands the application prospects of the proposed absorber. Besides, the absorber exhibits high performance over a wide range of incident angles from 0 degrees to 60 degrees. Meanwhile, it is insensitive to both TE and TM waves. The aforementioned design idea can be extended to other bands.
Accession Number: WOS:000664679000001
Author Identifiers:
Author Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID Number
Shi, Yanpeng 0000-0003-1970-5783
ISSN: 2516-0230
Full Text: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/NA/D1NA00246E#!divAbstract