Route to Cost-Effective Fabrication of Wafer-Scale Nanostructure through Self-Priming Nanoimprint
Author(s): Su, Y (Su, Yue); Geng, ZX (Geng, Zhaoxin); Fang, WH (Fang, Weihao); Lv, XQ (Lv, Xiaoqing); Wang, SC (Wang, Shicai); Ma, ZT (Ma, Zhengtai); Pei, WH (Pei, Weihua)
Source: MICROMACHINES Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Article Number: 121 DOI: 10.3390/mi12020121 Published: FEB 2021
Abstract: Nanoimprint technology is powerful for fabricating nanostructures in a large area. However, expensive equipment, high cost, and complex process conditions hinder the application of nano-imprinting technology. Therefore, double-layer self-priming nanoimprint technology was proposed to fabricate ordered metal nanostructures uniformly on 4-inch soft and hard substrates without the aid of expensive instruments. Different nanostructure (gratings, nanoholes and nanoparticles) and different materials (metal and MoS2) were patterned, which shows wide application of double-layer self-priming nanoimprint technology. Moreover, by a double-layer system, the width and the height of metal can be adjusted through the photoresist thickness and developing condition, which provide a programmable way to fabricate different nanostructures using a single mold. The double-layer self-priming nanoimprint method can be applied in poor condition without equipment and be programmable in nanostructure parameters using a single mold, which reduces the cost of instruments and molds.
Accession Number: WOS:000622842400001
PubMed ID: 33498873
Author Identifiers:
Author Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID Number
geng, zhaoxin 0000-0003-0917-0391
eISSN: 2072-666X
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