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A parylene/graphene UV photodetector with ultrahigh responsivity and long-term stability


Huang, Liting; Zhu, Zhaowei; Cheng, Chuantong; Gao, Y. Source: Nanotechnology, v 35, n 36, September 2, 2024; ISSN: 09574484, E-ISSN: 13616528; DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ad4b25; Article number: 365202; Publisher: Institute of Physics

Author affiliation:

College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100083, China


Long term stability, high responsivity, and fast response speed are essential for the commercialization of graphene photodetectors (GPDs). In this work, a parylene/graphene UV photodetector with long term stability, ultrahigh responsivity and fast response speed, is demonstrated. Parylene as a stable physical and chemical insulating layer reduces the environmental sensitivity of graphene, and enhances the performances of GPDs. In addition, utilizing bilayer electrodes reduces the buckling and damage of graphene after transferring. The parylene/graphene UV photodetector exhibits an ultrahigh responsivity of 5.82 × 10 AW under 325 nm light irradiation at 1 V bias. Additionally, it shows a fast response speed with a rise time of 80 μs and a fall time of 17 μs, and a long term stability at 405 nm wavelength which is absent in the device without parylene. The parylene/graphene UV photodetector possesses superior performances. This paves the way for the commercial application of the high-performance graphene hybrid photodetectors, and provides a practical method for maintaining the long term stability of two dimensional (2D) materials.


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