Microwave Photonic Harmonic Down-Conversion Based on Four-Wave Mixing in ...
A Method for Batch Modification of Neural Microelectrodes Via Removable E...
Microwave Photonic Harmonic Down-Conversion Based on Four-Wave Mixing in ...
Relative Gradient Matching Cost for Mitigating Feature Discrepancies in S...
 976 nm Fundamental Transverse Mode Ridge Diode Laser with Narrow Far-Fi...
Annealing-induced defects and optical degradation in sputter-deposited si...
Spectral Beam Combining with Beam Shaping of Distributed 2D Multi-Single ...
AlGaN/GaN HEMT Sub-Terahertz Detectors Integrated with Spiral Antennas
Multifunctional buried interface modification for efficient and stable Sn...
The photoinduced hidden metallic phase of monoclinic VO2 driven by local ...

Artificial Neural Network-based Approach to Modeling Energy Bands of GaN-based Heterojunction Materials


Hao, Meilan; Wei, Shu; Yu, Lina; Li, Weijun; Wu, Min; Liu, Jingyi; Li, Wenqiang; Li, Yanjie Source: 2023 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems, HDIS 2023, p 71-76, 2023, 2023 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems, HDIS 2023;


This work reports a preliminary investigation of energy bands of AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterojunction based on the use of artificial neural networks (ANN). Numerical energy bands simulations were used to generate training and testing dataset for ANN model.The input parameters of the ANN are the Al content,the thicknesses of AlxGa1-xN barrier layer and position description of two-Layer Materials, respectively. The outputs of the ANN are the conduction band energy profile of theAlxGa1-xN/GaN heterojunction and the channel Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) concentration distributions.The results show that trained ANN model can effectively predict the energy bands structure. The model achieved a mean squared error of 7.94 × 10 on the testing dataset, with an average relative L2 error of 4.44×10 for electron concentration prediction and 2.57×10 for conduction band energy prediction.

©2023 IEEE. (30 refs.)


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