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Microwave Photonic Harmonic Down-Conversion Based on Four-Wave Mixing in ...
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The photoinduced hidden metallic phase of monoclinic VO2 driven by local nucleation via a self-amplification process


Guo, Feng-Wu; Liu, Wen-Hao; Wang, Zhi; Li, Shu-Shen; Wang, Lin-Wang; Luo, Jun-Wei Source: arXiv, April 11, 2024;


The insulator-to-metal transition (IMT) in vanadium dioxide (VO2) has garnered extensive attention for its potential applications in ultrafast switches, neuronal network architectures, and storage technologies. However, a significant controversy persists regarding the formation of the IMT, specifically concerning whether a complete structural phase transition from monoclinic (M1) to rutile (R) phase is necessary. Here we employ the real-time time-dependent density functional theory (rt-TDDFT) to track the dynamic evolution of atomic and electronic structures in photoexcited VO2, revealing the emergence of a long-lived monoclinic metal phase (MM) under low electronic excitation. The emergence of the metal phase in the monoclinic structure originates from the dissociation of the local V-V dimer, driven by the self-trapped and self-amplified dynamics of photoexcited holes, rather than by a pure electron-electron correction. On the other hand, the M1-to-R phase transition does appear at higher electronic excitation. Our findings validate the existence of MM phase and provide a comprehensive picture of the IMT in photoexcited VO2.

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