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Wavelength-Tunable Microlasers Based on Perovskite Sheets Processed from the Solution Saturation-Controlled Method


Lin, Runkang; Dong, Keqian; Zhao, Jing; Sun, Jiaqian; Ma, Jingteng; Lu, Shudi; Liu, Kong; Yue, Shizhong; Wang, Zhijie; Qu, Shengchun Source: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024;


Wavelength tunability in lasers plays a crucial role in broad applications ranging from communication to manufacturing. Compared to traditional semiconductors, metal halide perovskites have attracted broad interest in optical applications due to their tunable band gap, outstanding gain properties, and solution synthesis process. However, further advancement of the solution process is hampered by phase segregation, which introduces inconsistencies and compromises the reliability. Here, the mechanism of the growth of perovskite sheets with a solution saturation-controlled method is proposed. By employing high supersaturation conditions with antisolvents in the solution, the phase segregation and ion-exchange processes are suppressed. Consistent phase composition is achieved across perovskite sheets with varying halide ratios, enabling wavelength-tunable lasing spanning a spectral range from 425 to 542 nm. High gain and clear boundaries of these sheets contribute to the lasing behavior, with a quality factor of up to 4211. In addition, perovskite sheets are synthesized rapidly in a low solute concentration but high saturation environment, reducing the completion time by approximately 80%. These results pave the way for low-cost manufacturing of wavelength-tunable microlasers.

© 2024 American Chemical Society. (49 refs.)


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