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Ultra-Sensitive Strain Sensor Based on Metal-Metal Composite Structure and Heat Pressing Process for Health Monitoring and Smart Clothing


Zhang, Yuanlong; Qu, Changming; Chen, Zhihao; Yao, Jingjing; Xu, Yun Source: SSRN, April 17, 2024;


Flexible wearable strain sensors are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to monitor physiological signals and to detect motion in a wide range of applications. However, the development of strain sensors with high sensitivity and wide sensing range remains a challenge. Herein, a metal-metal composite structure (MMCS) crack strain sensor with high sensitivity, wide strain range and fast response is proposed. The MMCS with hierarchical synergistic are integrated onto fabrics using a heat pressing process. MMCS has a very low initial resistance and a high density of channel cracks to have the high sensitivity of the strain sensor and to extend the strain range of the strain sensor through the synergistic bridging effect of the AgNWs. Due to this structure, the sensitivity of the sensor can reach , the strain range can reach about 40%, and response time is less than 129 ms. Furthermore, the sensor demonstrates exceptional cycling stability and favourable frequency characteristics. Its superior performance makes it suitable for monitoring pulse waves and detecting motion through smart clothing.

© 2024, The Authors. All rights reserved. (37 refs.)


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