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第285期:Why Do Hybrid Perovskite Work So Well For Solar Cells and Applications Beyond?


  报告题目: Why Do Hybrid Perovskite Work So Well For Solar Cells and Applications Beyond? 

  报告人: Prof. Jinsong Huang (Susan J. Rosowski Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska Lincoln,USA)  

  时间: 2016年6月28日(星期二) 上午10:00 

  地点: 中科院半导体研究所图书馆101会议室 

  摘要:The research of organometal trihalide perovskite solar cells continues to boom with device energy conversion efficiency approaching that of single crystal silicon solar cells within less than four years. One critical step in understanding why hybrid perovskite solar cells work so well is to determine the influence of defects on photon to current conversion process. I will present the advance in understanding the optoelectronic properties, unusual defect physics, and influence of defects on critical properties such as carrier diffusion length, charge recombination lifetime, ion migration and power conversion efficiency of solution processed perovskite materials. Finally I will also introduce our progress of using low temperature solution processes, which are particularly attractive in the fabrication of large area devices such as solar cells to reduce cost, to minimize the non-benign defects in perovskite thin films for high device efficiency to >20% in planar heterojunction architecture devices.

  简历:Jinsong Huang is a Susan J. Rosowski University Professors at University of Nebraska Lincoln. He received his PhD degree in Material Science and Engineering from the University of California-Los Angeles in 2007. After working in Agiltron Inc. as a research scientist for two years, he joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in 2009 as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2014, and promoted to full professor in 2016. His current research interests include solution processed electronic materials for applications in sensing, energy and consumer electronics. He is the coauthors of over 100 publications, and over 10 patents, 4 book chapters and 1 book. He serves as the Chair of Material Engineering PhD Program, and was awarded as William E. Brooks Engineering Leadership Fellow in 2014, and Susan J. Rosowski University Professorship in 2015. He has received several prestigious awards such as NSF CAREER Award (2013), Edgerton Innovation Award (2012), and DOD Young Investigator Award (2010).


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