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第264期:Silicon device technology for intelligent communications


  报告题目: Silicon device technology for intelligent communications 

  报告人: Prof. Shunri Oda (Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)  

  时间: 2015年11月3日 (星期二) 上午 10:00  

  地点: 中科院半导体研究所图书馆101报告厅

  Abstract: Conventional text-based information communications may cause misunderstanding particularly in case of a dialog between different generations, gender or ethnic background. Intelligent communications may solve these problems by the aid of “happiness sensor” and retrieving additional information of personal record of the counterparts. In order to realize the intelligent communications, it is necessary to develop technologies for analysis of big-data, any-place any-time communications in all frequency bands, and zero-power wearable devices that require no recharging, relying instead on low-power devices utilizing energy harvesting. Breakthroughs necessary in silicon device technologies will be discussed.

  Biography:Shunri Oda received the B. Sc degree in physics, the M. Eng. and Dr. Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1974, 1976 and 1979, respectively.

  He is a Professor in Department of Physical Electronics and Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology. His current research interests include fabrication of silicon quantum dots by pulsed plasma processes, single electron tunneling devices based on nanocrystalline silicon, ballistic transport in silicon nanodevices, silicon based quantum information devices, and NEMS hybrid devices. He is a Research Leader of MEXT Center of Innovation program. He has authored more than 700 technical papers in international journals and conferences including 200 invited papers. He edited a book (with D. Ferry) “Silicon Nanoelectronics” (CRC Press, 2006).

  Prof. Oda is a Fellow of IEEE and Japan Society for Applied Physics, and a member of Electrochemical Society and Materials Research Society. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Electron Devices Society.


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