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第231期:Epitaxially Re-Grown Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers


  报告题目: Epitaxially Re-Grown Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers

  报告人: Richard Hogg(Professor, University of Sheffield)

  时间: 2014年8月22日 (星期五) 上午: 10:00

  地点: 中科院半导体图书馆101会议室

  摘要: Photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs) <1> offer the ultimate in control in semiconductor lasers. The photonic crystal causes light waves propagating in various 2D directions to be coupled with one another and a 2D standing wave (cavity mode) is constructed over a broad area. PCSELs have been shown to have high power scaling with area, high single-mode powers <2>, large scale coherent emission, control of the beam shape and polarization with design of the photonic crystal geometry <3,4>, as well as beam steering <5>. Williams et. al., demonstrated GaAs all semiconductor PCSELs based on epitaxial regrowth <6>. These all semiconductor PCSELs have been shown to give high coupling values similar to their void containing counterparts <6,7> due to a strong mode overlap of the photonic crystal with the in-plane guided mode. In this presentation I shall review the development of epitaxially regrown PCSEL’s, describing results from latest devices which demonstrate broad area coherent emission.

  报告人:Professor Richard Hogg obtained his PhD in Physics in 1995 from the University of Sheffield and then spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Atsugi, Japan. He was then awarded a EU-Japan fellowship as a visiting researcher in Professor Arakawa’s Laboratory at the University of Tokyo. He subsequently spent three years at Toshiba Research Europe’s Cambridge Laboratory developing single-photon detectors and the ultra-fast optical spectroscopy of charged excitons, before moving to Agilent Technologies Fibre-Optic Component Operation in Ipswich, UK, in 2000 where he was manager of materials characterization. In 2003 he joined the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Sheffield, where he is currently Professor of Semiconductor Devices, and Head of The Semiconductor Materials and Devices Group. His research group is active in developing the understanding of device physics, engineering, fabrication technologies, and applications of various semiconductor laser, amplifier, and super-luminescent diode devices. This includes quantum dot amplifiers and super-luminescent diodes for application in skin tissue imaging (optical coherence tomography), quantum cascade lasers for gas sensing, and quantum cascade amplifiers for swept lasers. His group has also been active in developing re-growth technologies for GaAs based distributed feedback lasers, self-aligned stripe lasers, and photonic crystal surface emitting lasers.


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