第185期:Progress in High Voltage SiC and GaN Power Switching Devices
报告题目:Progress in High Voltage SiC and GaN Power Switching Devices
报告人:T. Paul Chow 周达成教授 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
时间: 2012年12月18日(星期二) 上午9:00-11:00
地点: 中国科学院新建研发楼4层led大会议室
Abstract:SiC and GaN has many attractive material properties making them suitable for power electronic applications. New generations of power devices in SiC and GaN are now commercially available. In this talk, we present the recent progresses in the development of high-voltage power switching SiC and GaN rectifiers and transistors.While SiC Schottky rectifiers continue to increase in blocking voltage and current ratings, GaN Schottky rectifiers are coming into the market, claiming to have an inherent cost advantage. The commercial SiC power transistors, including JFET, MOSFET and BJT, are available. GaN power HEMTs on silicon substrates, have also been announced. We will discuss the latest advances in 4H-SiC and GaN MOS and their impact on power MOS transistor performance. Some distinct features of GaN power device development will be discussed. The issues of normally on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs will be discussed. Recent experimental demonstrations of normally off, inversion mode GaN MOSFETs and MOS Channel-HEMTs alternative technologies will be discussed. Finally, we will project the voltage and power ranges within which GaN can be competitive or superior over SiC power devices.
周达成,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(RPI)终身教授,功率电子系统中心RPI园区主任。IEEE Fellow。1982年,RPI,电子工程博士学位。周教授从事功率半导体器件研究超过25年,在分离器件和智能开关器件研究领域享有盛誉。特别是在IIIV族宽禁带材料(SiC和GaN)半导体器件的研究方面,开发出众多创新结构和器件,是这一领域的先驱者,并主持多项DAPRA,Army Collaborative Tech Alliance,ONR PEBB,SiC MURI项目。拥有17项国际专利,在国际权威学术杂志发表论文过百篇,在相关教科书中编写了八个技术章节。周教授在工业界和学术界具有相当的影响力。多次在Electron Device Society担任主席, ISPSD, Intl.Symposium on SiC and Related Mat. 国际会议中担任主席,并担任Trans. on Electron Devices副主编。担任美国NSF下属的功率电子系统工程中心RPI园区主任,主持先进功率半导体器件领域的工作。周教授还是美国国家科学基金,加拿大国家研究委员会和香港科技大学项目评审。