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第177期:报告题目: Design of new class of electronic materials

报告题目:Design of new class of electronic materials

报告人: Prof. Xiaolin Wang (Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia)

时间: 2012年10月16日(星期二) 上午 10:00

地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术沙龙室

Abstract:The discovery of new classes of materials with new functionalities or significantly improved performance has been a driving force in the advancement of modern science and technology, and in the improvement of our daily lives. We are now in an era of discovery of new materials, new physics, and new devices. This is the trend in the race represented by scientific research worldwide. This presentation will address the latest progress on the discovery of new class of advanced functional materials, and the discovery of their new phenomena and new devices. Novel approaches for designing new types of functional materials with novel electronic and multi-functional properties will be discussed. The presentation will be focused on materials with zero band gap, namely gapless semiconductors which have unique physical properties compared to conventional semiconductors, insulators and metals. An overview on novel physical properties will be given for some typical zero gap materials with either quadratic or linear dispersion. New physics and potential applications in spintronics, electronics, multiferroics on a number of spin related gapless semiconductors, topological insulators, and other new class of zero gap materials will be addressed. Some experimental data on their fascinating physical properties such as observation of Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator surface state and room temperature giant magnetoresistance in topological Bi2Te3 nano-sheet will be presented.

报告人简介:王晓临,澳大利亚Wollongong大学工程学院,超导与电子材料研究所教授,自旋与电子材料研究组组长。2000年在澳大利亚Wollongong大学获博士学位。曾先后在奥地利、日本、美国著名大学研究机构从事研究工作,曾任澳大利亚英女王二世高级研究员、研究组组长。在新型功能材料的设计及其理论计算、能源材料、超导材料、自旋电子学、磁性、铁电和多铁电体等方面国际领先。在国际上首次从提出了自旋零带半导体(Spin gapless Semiconductor新型材料及丰富物理现象的概念。在国际著名杂志上发表高水平论文超过两百篇,很多重要文章发表在Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、Angewandte Chemie、Advanced Functional Materials、Physical Review B、Applied Physics Letters 等杂志上。他也是这些杂志和其它十几个国际著名杂志的评审人。组织过多次功能材料方面的国际会议并担任会议主席。曾获得英女王伊丽莎白二世人才奖、高层次外引论文证书、美国材料学会和国际超导技术中心奖和 WOLLONGONG 大学校长合作奖。近年来以项目带头人身份承担了十多项澳大利亚基金项目,项目经费超过1000万澳元。目前,他在澳大利亚的研究团队有副教授、方向学者、讲师和多个博士后,博士生人数超过十人。已经培养出10多个高水平博士生和博士后,很多现已担任重要职务。


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