第159期:Ultrafast, high-power, broad-band lasers enabled by nanotubes and graphene
报告题目: Ultrafast, high-power, broad-band lasers enabled by nanotubes and graphene
报 告 人: Dr. Zhipei SUN (Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK)
时间: 2012年4月10日(星期二) 上午 9:00
地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术沙龙室
Abstract: Ultrafast lasers play a key role in a variety of devices, from basic research to materials processing and medicine. Nanotubes and graphene have great potential as saturable absorbers for ultrafast lasers. Here we report ultrafast highly chirped pulses from an erbium doped, nanotube-mode-locked fiber oscillator. We generate 1.6 W average power and 11 kW peak power by seeding a fiber amplifier. We realize a stretched-pulse fiber laser based on a nanotube saturable absorber, with 113 fs pulses, 33.5 nm spectral width and ~0.07% amplitude fluctuation, outperforming current nanotube-based designs. The linear dispersions of the Dirac electrons in graphene enable wideband tunability. We get ~1 ps pulses, tunable between 1525 and 1559 nm, with stable mode-locking, insensitive to environmental perturbations.
Biography: 现为英国剑桥大学先进光子学和电子学研究中心助理研究员(Research Associate)。于2005年获理学博士学位;2005年至2007年西班牙光子学研究所(ICFO)博士后;2007年至今英国剑桥大学助理研究员。曾多次参加国家973,863,中国科学院重大项目,英国EPSRC和皇家学会项目,欧盟ERC等项目的研究工作。迄今在核心刊物(Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Advanced Materials, Acs Nano, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等)和国际会议上合作发表了100多篇科技论文,所有论文总引用超1500次,单篇最高引用超200次。曾受邀请为Nature Photonics和 Advanced Materials等期刊撰写综述论文和科研评论四篇,合作撰写英文专著一章。申请发明专利七项。受邀请在国际材料学会(MRS)会议,欧洲材料学会(EMRS)会议和光纤通信会议(OFC)等国际会议做邀请报告20多次。现为多种国内外核心期刊(Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等)的频繁审稿人。