第149期:Fluorescent 6H SiC based all-semiconductor white LED
报告题目:Fluorescent 6H SiC based all-semiconductor white LED
报 告 人:Dr. Haiyan Ou (Associate Professor, Department of Photonics, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)
时间: 2011年10月25日(星期二)上午9:30
地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术会议中心
Abstract:With the rapid progress made in high power white LED development in the areas of performance improvement and cost reduction, the adoption of the LEDs for general lighting has accelerated over last few years. This talk will provide an innovative method to make white LEDs, using fluorescent SiC to take the place of phosphor. This all-semiconductor white LED will improve the performance of the current white LEDs further in terms of life time, luminous efficacy and color rendering index. The donor-acceptor pair emission mechanism, material growth and characterization, and device structure will be presented with the focus for white LED application. New potential applications in solar cells and infrared LEDs of doped SiC will be briefly mentioned at the end of the talk.
报告人简介: 欧海燕博士,丹麦技术大学的副教授,2000年在中科院半导体所获得博士学位。毕业后至今,一直在丹麦技术大学光子工程系从事科研和教学工作,先担任讲师,2005年被提拔为副教授。她是丹麦技术大学硅基波导器件研发平台的主要开发和维护者。此平台是欧洲最好的硅基平台之一。在此平台上,不仅成功地完成了一系列的科研项目,如一项欧盟项目(兆兆位(THz)光主干环型网)和两项丹麦国家资助项目(高级平面波导器件的基本组件和非线性集成波导)等; 在高水平的杂志上发表了多篇学术论文,如Nature 等; 还组建了三个公司将技术转化为产业。三年前,她拓宽了她的研究领域从硅基光电子器件到节能器件。她现在是北欧能源部支持的项目‘北欧发光二级管攻略(Nordic light emitting diodes initiative)’在丹麦的负责人。她先后在国内外期刊和会议上发表学术论文71篇,并应邀在APOC,Swedish Energy, Photonics West 等会议上做学术报告。