第119期: Spintronic Materials and Devices
报告题目: Spintronic Materials and Devices
报告人: Professor Yongbing Xu (The University of York, UK)
时间: 2010年4月20日(星期四) 上午10:00
地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术沙龙室
Abstract: While the first generation spintronics largely based on the metallic systems, such as GMR heads (Nobel Prize in Physics 2007) sharply increased magnetic storage density, it is the 2nd generation spintronics, integrating magnetic materials with semiconductors, that has the potential to extend the benefits of spin to the wider IT industry, which may bring in an impact comparable with the development of the transistors more than 50 years ago. One of the major challenges in developing this second generation of spintronic devices is the synthesis of high quality spintronic materials with Curie temperatures that are above room temperature, large spin polarisation at the Fermi level and matched conductivity between the magnetic material and semiconductor. In this seminar, I will first present the growth, interface magnetism and magneto-transport studies of several important magnetic/semiconductor hybrid spintronic structures. Along with the development of materials, I will also talk about our research in current induced switching and electron transport measurements in patterned magnetic nanowires.
徐永兵教授,南京大学物理系 (83级)学士、硕士及博士,1997 至2000 年在剑桥大学Cavendish 实验室做博士后,2000 年被聘英国国家工程与物理科学研究部高级研究员,成为当时剑桥大学Cavendish 实验室的正式职员(博士导师),2001 年获得世界百强之一约克大学终身职位。现为约克大学纳米首席终身教授, 约克自旋电子学及纳米器件实验室主任。徐永兵教授在纳米磁存储、自旋电子学、磁性纳米材料、分子束外延生长、纳米制造等领域做出了一系列工作,在SCI 学术期刊上共发表论文130 多篇, 其中含Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 篇 (其中2 篇为通讯作者),在MRS 等国际学术会议有近20 多次邀请报告。徐永兵教授是英、中、美十多所著名大学(包括York、南大、加洲等大学)组成的世界大学联盟的“自旋电子学”重大国际合作项目执行委员会主席。是三次国际磁电子学会议的大会主席,2008 国际磁学会议“自旋电子学展望”研讨会主席, 欧洲华沙纳米中心国际顾问委员会委员,美国自然科学基金评审委员会委员, 英国物理协会磁学分会委员会委员, Elsevier 综述刊物《Current Opinion in Solid State and Material Science》自旋电子学负责编辑。Taylor and Francis “Electronic Materials and Devices”丛书主编, Springer 重大参考书《自旋电子手册》的主编。徐永兵教授是南京大学兼职教授, 浙江大学永谦讲座教授。他曾接受《New Scientist》(2006、2007)、BBC News 24 (2007) 的采访.