第95期:Integrated Photonics in Ireland
爱尔兰Tyndall国家研究院的Frank H. Peters博士将于4月29日来我所学术交流,并在“黄昆半导体科学技术论坛”上作第95期报告,望广大科研人员及研究生积极参加。
报告题目: Integrated Photonics in Ireland
报告人: Dr. Frank H. Peters (Physics Department, University College Cork, and Tyndall National Institute)
报告地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术沙龙室
Abstract:The integration of photonic devices has moved from laboratory demonstrations to a commercial reality. It is understood that platforms for photonic integration need to follow the silicon model, where a standard set of processes can be used to create many different photonic circuits. This talk will discuss existing platforms for photonic integration and will introduce a new platform that conforms more to the silicon model by eliminating multiple epitaxial growths. The talk will begin with an overview of the Tyndall National Institute and Photonics research at Tyndall and will proceed to the discussion of Integrated Photonics.
报告人简介:Dr. Frank Peters leads the Integrated Photonic Group located at the Tyndall National Institute and the Physics Department of University College Cork. He was previously based in
联系人:徐艳坤 电话:82304453