第75期:Recent experiments on magnetically doped ZnO
应我所赵建华研究员的邀请,英国设菲尔德大学的Gillian A. Gehring教授将于4月15日上午10:00来所学术交流,并在“黄昆半导体科学技术论坛”上作第75期讲座。届时还将聘请Gillian A. Gehring教授为我所的荣誉教授。望广大科研人员及研究生准时参加!
报告题目: Recent experiments on magnetically doped ZnO
报告时间: 2008年4月15日(星期二) 上午 10:00
报告地点: 中科院半导体研究所学术会议中心
报告人: Prof. Gillian A. Gehring(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield)
Abstract:Much work is done on magnetically doped ZnO; after reviewing the field briefly the talk will address two issues:How does the magnetism depend on the carrier density and how may this be understood?What can be learned about the position of the energy levels of the transition metal ions Co and Mn, relative to the ZnO bands by the way in which doping changes the carrier concentration and the mobility and how is this related to magnetism? The Sheffield group makes films of ZnO doped with Al and with Co or Mn using PLD. The principle methods of characterisation are electrical resistivity and Hall effect and also magneto-optics and optical absorption. The principle results are that the magnetism can by large in both the insulating and metallic range and small between – confirming the results from Tsinghua University. We also find the magneto-optic signals and the Hall mobilities are rather different for Co and Mn doping.The implications of these results are discussed.
Gillian Anne Gehring, 1962年在英国University of Manchester获得学士学位,1965年在英国University of Oxford获得博士学位。1965年至1989年在英国University of Oxford任研究员、讲师,1989年至今在University of Sheffield大学物理学教授,期间曾任物理系主任3年。她是英国物理学上的第二个女教授,2005年获大英帝国勋章,Leverhulme名誉会员,欧洲物理学会会员,英国物理学会委员会委员,Europhysics Letters等国际著名期刊编辑,主持过多项英国EPNeedDownload="true" SRC、Royal Society和Leverhulme的基金项目。多年来她在磁学领域理论与实验研究方面取得了众多有重要影响的研究成果,在国际上享有盛誉。迄今在Nature, Nature Materials, Rep. Prog. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B等刊物上发表论文200余篇。
报告题目: Recent experiments on magnetically doped ZnO
报告时间: 2008年4月15日(星期二) 上午 10:00
报告地点: 中科院半导体研究所学术会议中心
报告人: Prof. Gillian A. Gehring(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield)
Abstract:Much work is done on magnetically doped ZnO; after reviewing the field briefly the talk will address two issues:How does the magnetism depend on the carrier density and how may this be understood?What can be learned about the position of the energy levels of the transition metal ions Co and Mn, relative to the ZnO bands by the way in which doping changes the carrier concentration and the mobility and how is this related to magnetism? The Sheffield group makes films of ZnO doped with Al and with Co or Mn using PLD. The principle methods of characterisation are electrical resistivity and Hall effect and also magneto-optics and optical absorption. The principle results are that the magnetism can by large in both the insulating and metallic range and small between – confirming the results from Tsinghua University. We also find the magneto-optic signals and the Hall mobilities are rather different for Co and Mn doping.The implications of these results are discussed.
Gillian Anne Gehring, 1962年在英国University of Manchester获得学士学位,1965年在英国University of Oxford获得博士学位。1965年至1989年在英国University of Oxford任研究员、讲师,1989年至今在University of Sheffield大学物理学教授,期间曾任物理系主任3年。她是英国物理学上的第二个女教授,2005年获大英帝国勋章,Leverhulme名誉会员,欧洲物理学会会员,英国物理学会委员会委员,Europhysics Letters等国际著名期刊编辑,主持过多项英国EPNeedDownload="true" SRC、Royal Society和Leverhulme的基金项目。多年来她在磁学领域理论与实验研究方面取得了众多有重要影响的研究成果,在国际上享有盛誉。迄今在Nature, Nature Materials, Rep. Prog. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B等刊物上发表论文200余篇。