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Enhanced light emission of germanium light-emitting-diode on 150 mm germanium-on-insulator (GOI)

Title: Enhanced light emission of germanium light-emitting-diode on 150 mm germanium-on-insulator (GOI)

Author(s): Wu, ST (Wu, Shaoteng); Wang, ZZ (Wang, Zhaozhen); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin); Chen, QM (Chen, Qimiao); Wen, SY (Wen, Shuyu); Lee, KH (Lee, Kwang Hong); Bao, SY (Bao, Shuyu); Fan, WJ (Fan, Weijun); Seng, TC (Seng, Tan Chuan); Luo, JW (Luo, Jun-wei)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 31  Issue: 11  Pages: 17921-17929  Article Number: 489325  DOI: 10.1364/OE.489325  Published: MAY 22 2023 

Abstract: Germanium-on-insulator (GOI) has emerged as a novel platform for Ge-based elec-tronic and photonic applications. Discrete photonic devices, such as waveguides, photodetectors, modulators, and optical pumping lasers, have been successfully demonstrated on this platform. However, there is almost no report on the electrically injected Ge light source on the GOI platform. In this study, we present the first fabrication of vertical Ge p-i-n light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on a 150 mm GOI substrate. The high-quality Ge LED on a 150-mm diameter GOI substrate was fabricated via direct wafer bonding followed by ion implantations. As a tensile strain of 0.19% has been introduced during the GOI fabrication process resulting from the thermal mismatch, the LED devices exhibit a dominant direct bandgap transition peak near 0.785 eV (& SIM;1580 nm) at room temperature. In sharp contrast to conventional III-V LEDs, we found that the electroluminescence (EL)/photoluminescence (PL) spectra show enhanced intensities as the temperature is raised from 300 to 450 K as a consequence of the higher occupation of the direct bandgap. The maximum enhancement in EL intensity is a factor of 140% near 1635 nm due to the improved optical confinement offered by the bottom insulator layer. This work potentially broadens the GOI's functional variety for applications in near-infrared sensing, electronics, and photonics.& COPY; 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement

Accession Number: WOS:001012156300003

PubMed ID: 37381513

Author Identifiers:

Author Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID Number

wu, shaoteng          0000-0003-4658-5051

ISSN: 1094-4087


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