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Buildup and synchronization regimes of a vector pure-quartic soliton molecule in a fiber laser cavity


Author(s): He, CJ (He, Chaojian); Zhu, ZW (Zhu, Zhiwei); Yang, S (Yang, Song); Wang, N (Wang, Nan); Yang, YY (Yang, Yingying); Lin, XC (Lin, Xuechun)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESSVolume: 32Issue: 7  Pages: 11895-11906  DOI: 10.1364/OE.520916  Published Date: 2024 MAR 25

Abstract: Pure-quar tic solitons (PQSs) have recently received increasing attention due to their energy-width scaling over the traditional soliton, which has expanded our understanding of soliton dynamics with high-order dispersion in nonlinear systems. Here, we numerically reveal the asynchronization and synchronization processes of the sub-pulse within the vector PQS molecule in a mode-locked fiber laser by solving the coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations. During the establishment of a vector PQS molecule, the repulsion, attraction, and finally stabilization processes have been observed. Specifically, sub-pulse disappearance, regeneration, and finally synchronization with the other pulses are also investigated. Our analysis of the pulse energy, time interval, and relative phase evolution dynamics with the round trip indicates that the asynchronization and synchronization within the vector PQS molecule associate tightly with the gain competition and the cross-phase modulation. Our findings provide insights into the internal mutual dynamics within the vector soliton molecule and offer guidance for the applications of PQS.

Accession Number: WOS:001206706900005

PubMed ID: 38571027

ISSN: 1094-4087


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