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3-D Gravity Anomaly Inversion for Imaging Salt Structures, With Applicati...
Full-Stokes polarization photodetector based on the hexagonal lattice chi...
Multiple k-Point Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics for Ultrafast Excitation...
Research on the fabrication of high-power semiconductor lasers by impurit...
Low-loss silica-based 90 deg optical hybrid in c band based on 4 x 4 mult...
Ultra-broad bandwidth array waveguide grating for high-speed backbone net...
Optical time domain reflectometry based on a self-chaotic circular-sided ...
 ICGNet: An intensity-controllable generation network based on covering ...
Dual-polarization near-infrared narrow-band unidirectional nonreciprocal ...
Design and Optimization of a High-Efficiency 3D Multi-Tip Edge Coupler Ba...

Strain-induced topological phase transition in graphene nanoribbons


Author(s): Huang, AH (Huang, Anhua); Ke, SS (Ke, Shasha); Guan, JH (Guan, Ji-Huan); Li, J (Li, Jun); Lou, WK (Lou, Wen -Kai)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW BVolume: 109Issue: 4  Article Number: 045408  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.045408  Published Date: 2024 JAN 10

Abstract: The electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures are highly responsive to changes in their geometry, making strain-engineering a powerful method for tuning the electronic characteristics of flexible 2D nanostructures. Quasi-one-dimensional (1D) graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are crucial quantum building blocks in the development of next-generation flexible devices and have recently been recognized for possessing distinct symmetry-protected topological phases characterized by a Z2 invariant. In this study, utilizing the tight-binding (TB) model, we present compelling evidence that the topological phase transition in 1D GNRs can be effectively controlled through strain-engineering. Furthermore, we investigate the behavior of heterojunctions composed of different types of AGNR segments and reveal that strain can create or eliminate the junction state while significantly enhancing the end states. Our study presents a new method for tuning topological phase transitions in flexible quasi-1D materials, offering an efficient way to control over junction state and end states.

Accession Number: WOS:001174183900005

Author Identifiers:

AuthorWeb of Science ResearcherID     ORCID Number

Lou, Wen-Kai D-2105-2015       0000-0001-6906-6479

ISSN: 2469-9950

eISSN: 2469-9969


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