Design of off-axis aspheric four-mirror non-axial mechanical zoom optical...
High-performance SiO2-SiNx distributed Bragg reflectors fabricated by ion...
Design and analysis of a compact and broadband polarization beam splitter...
Vision-guided three-dimensional range-gated imaging based on epistemic un...
Microfaceting: A new logic for hot-carrier energy harvesting in hybrid pl...
Multifunctional Displays and Sensing Platforms for the Future: A Review o...
A miniprotein receptor electrochemical biosensor chip based on quantum dots
Analysis of the Thickness of Multilayered Porous Silicon in the Cold Emis...
An open dataset for human SSVEPs in the frequency range of 1-60 Hz
Single-Mode Surface-Emitting Polariton Lasing with Switchable Polarizatio...
Design of off-axis aspheric four-mirror non-axial mechanical zoom optical...
High-performance SiO2-SiNx distributed Bragg reflectors fabricated by ion...
Design and analysis of a compact and broadband polarization beam splitter...
Vision-guided three-dimensional range-gated imaging based on epistemic un...
Microfaceting: A new logic for hot-carrier energy harvesting in hybrid pl...
Multifunctional Displays and Sensing Platforms for the Future: A Review o...
A miniprotein receptor electrochemical biosensor chip based on quantum dots
Analysis of the Thickness of Multilayered Porous Silicon in the Cold Emis...
An open dataset for human SSVEPs in the frequency range of 1-60 Hz
Single-Mode Surface-Emitting Polariton Lasing with Switchable Polarizatio...

An Ultrasensitive Ti3C2Tx MXene-based Soft Contact Lens for Continuous and Nondestructive Intraocular Pressure Monitoring


Duan, Zhongyi; Yuan, Miao; Liu, Zhiduo; Pei, Weihua; Jiang, Kai; Li, La; Shen, Guozhen Source: Small, 2024;


Wearable soft contact lens sensors for continuous and nondestructive intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring are highly desired as glaucoma and postoperative myopia patients grow, especially as the eyestrain crowd increases. Herein, a smart closed-loop system is presented that combines a Ti3C2Tx MXene-based soft contact lens (MX-CLS) sensor, wireless data transmission units, display, and warning components to realize continuous and nondestructive IOP monitoring/real-time display. The fabricated MX-CLS device exhibits an extremely high sensitivity of 7.483 mV mmHg, good linearity on silicone eyeballs, excellent stability under long-term pressure-release measurement, sufficient transparency with 67.8% transmittance under visible illumination, and superior biocompatibility with no discomfort when putting the MX-CLS sensor onto the Rabbit eyes. After integrating with the wireless module, users can realize real-time monitoring and warning of IOP via smartphones, the demonstrated MX-CLS device together with the IOP monitoring/display system opens up promising platforms for Ti3C2Tx materials as the base for multifunctional contact lens-based sensors and continuous and nondestructive IOP measurement system.

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